Thursday, April 16, 2015

Why Suicide?

This post is in relation to my "suicide" entries in the past.

People do not die from suicide; they die from sadness.
- I bumped into these lines this afternoon in Twitter and remembered someone suddenly.

A man killed himself because he loses his mind - these words can easily be uttered by someone who is not related  to him but try to think of his family and friends. The family will not stop blaming themselves and never move on; thinking of that moment right before he did it - if only they were there to stop it...

Wanting to die is not enough to trigger suicide. In order to kill yourself, you should have the guts and the means to carry out your plan. Suicide cases are increasing worldwide. Even famous celebrities killed themselves. But why?! What are they thinking? What is the science behind suicide? Why can't everyone just burst their problem into tears and be okay? Why can't they drink their sadness away? How sad is suicidal sad?

Psychologically, there are two main reasons of suicide. First is perceived burdensomeness, it is when one thinks that his death is worth more than his life. Second is social alienation, it is when one feels he doesn't belong to a family, group, etc.
Biologically, there's a malfunction in his serotonin system and pre-frontal cortex. These two brain things are responsible for his emotions and decisions.

No scientific findings understand the solid truth behind suicide, I only believe that the person who committed suicide (successful or not) is a psychological and emotional victim. Please don't treat them as if that state is easy. Don't say anything if you can't understand.

This suicidal behavior is developed in time. This time is what saddens the family/friends of the victim. The time when they're supposed to be there. The time when someone just cared. The time where all they have to do is talk. The time when somebody just have to do is check his room....the time that never did.

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