Wednesday, May 6, 2015

My friends and my Disbelief

“People who don’t understand are usually the ones that have a lot of things to say”.

I am agnostic and only very few people knows it not because I am afraid of being shunned and called “Anti-christ”, but because I know most people don’t understand it. Swimming against the current is never easy. Being different is very stressful. People will judge you when you do something out of the ordinary. It’s wearisome to explain something to someone who’s not ready to comprehend your thought.

I kept my disbelief in the closet except for people I know are “well educated”. I thought having college education, especially when you are majoring “Science”, will make you question everything and not relying every unexplained phenomena to supreme being,  god or magic but I guess I was wrong.

Recently, I talked to my high school friends via social apps (facebook group chat). I am aware that these particular friends are very religious because of their facebook statuses and posts and, of course, I know them. One of them is a gay, I mean homosexual. According to him, he’s been like that as long and far as he can remember and he love being himself. I have no problem with gay people, in fact I like them and I support their rights. We were exchanging messages while he’s on a “prayer meeting”, then he told me about something like “he don’t want to be gay anymore”. Of course, everyone who’s connected to that chat was shocked. I responded sarcastically with, “because it is a sin and you’ll burn in hell…hahaha”.

Homosexuality is not a sin just the act, he said. I like him and I want to make him to feel alright. So, with all of my understanding about it I told him that an act is not bad when both parties agreed and are in legal age. I thought he understands my intentions then he asked why I think that way, “Do I not fear god”? He and one of my female friends asked if I am an Atheist and bashed all wrong misguided words about Atheism to me like I am a confused and a lost soul (haha!). I didn't say anything because I know right there, they’re not ready for my thoughts. I don’t really care in everything they said except for, “How can you know if you are doing the right thing?” and “If everyone will do what they want, what do think will happen?” You see, these questions are really stupid (for people with reason) and I think I will just waste my time answering these. But I did anyway…

People will say something whether you’re doing the right or the wrong thing, might as well do what makes you happy, responsibly. Being a responsible person, one has to consider other people’s feelings and circumstances too.  A normal person will not do criminal act to another person not just because it’s against the law but because it is unpleasant thing to do. As a person, I will not kill someone not just because I am afraid to be imprisoned but because I respect the right of every human being to live.  As an Agnostic/Atheist, I do what is good and just to people not because of the reward of eternal life but because I know it’s the right thing to do. 

He insisted that knowing what is good is god, so I immediately derailed the thread. There is no point in arguing with these kinds of people. I look at them differently now but they are my friends, their faith and my disbelief will not break our relationship built for how many years of ups and downs. Surely they will look at me differently too, I just hope they will not spread the news exaggeratedly because you know… (please refer to the first paragraph)

I told him that since he believe that it's not right to be a homosexual and he loathes being one, then he should do something about it and end it (there are I think possible science ways). I know it is not easy but if there's a will, there's a way.
He don't hate being gay, he said. 
I think you are the confused lost soul here haha!, I replied.
I am not a lost soul, just poor in spirit, he said.
Okay, I give up!!!..haha 

(Not that I disrepect his belief but what really is funny is that he is a total-100% gay but he want to end it because it's a sin accordingly to the "Bible". He wanted to sacrifice his own happiness and self based on a fictional book.)

Friday, May 1, 2015

In memory of Zeus

Earlier today, I never felt more devastated than losing him. He was the sweetest among the five puppies I ever had. He used to fight with Odin (other pooch) just to sit on my lap. I honestly can't wait to see him grow older to know how big he can get.

I must say, I love dogs more than humans. I am more affected when dogs die in movies. I haven't watched the whole "Eight Below", though it's a great movie, because my sister told me that there's a dog who died. Now you know why I don't want to watch the movie "Hachiku" - I don't want to torture myself.

People have hurt me and I moved on because people really sucks, I get that. Dogs left me and I died because dogs are precious and loyal. My heart get shattered and I can't pick up the pieces.

I can't recall when was the first time I fell inlove into their kind. It's because I grew up with dogs and pets alike around me. Dogs don't scare me. They have a special place in my heart. I get sad when I see stray hungry dogs on the streets. I don't like to see dogs in cages and leashes, I believe that they have the right to play and run freely, a lot. Sometimes I think I have lots of dog atom in me - to explain my emotional bond to them.

Much for my love for dogs, I don't believe in the afterlife but I like to believe that somewhere in time, I will see him (and all dogs I loss) again. I hope there's a "dog heaven", where all dogs are happily waiting for their masters (mommies) to come and be with them forever.

(I'm crying while writing this...)
Mommy loves you so much Zeus. I will see you again baby.

Zeus - March 22, 2015 8:32am
I took this picture while I was having my morning coffee at the veranda.
He (they) used to wait for me to come outside for play time.